Understanding these principles in life will definitely change your thoughts on health and disease.
Following the 10 Principles of Naturopathy would suffice to attain a healthy state of mind and body. Thus, helps to understand the holistic approach to promote health, also inculcating these in an adolescent’s lifestyle will enhance the quality of life.
1. BODY HEALS ITSELF: Healing means restoration to a normal condition or making a sick body holistically healthy. A cure is solely intrinsic. Perhaps whatever comes from outside is a relief- a tranquilization but not restoration. Thus, as long as vicarious monthly purification by means of the menses continues, the evil results of the torpid condition of the regular organs of depuration do not become so apparent.
2. MAIN CAUSE OF DISEASE IS ENERVATION: Nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, motor, and sensory nerves. When undergoes fatigue in them, it is called Enervation. This leads to mental and psychological changes, sensory problems in hearing, smell, taste, and touch, excess and abuses of diet, bottled drinks, lack of exercise, social and financial distress, and lack of rest and sleep. Thus, these lead to negativity and hypersensitivity.
3. DEPOSIT OF METABOLIC END PRODUCTS IN THE SYSTEM, IS DISEASE: Disease does not attack people at a go, but grow slowly within the body through continued abuses and accumulating toxemia.
4. ACUTE DISEASE IS A REMEDIAL PROCESS, IT IS ITSELF A CURE: it should be permitted for free expression without treatment or palliation, or suppression. Better fast, this ensures rapid restoration of health. The instinct to sleep and fast during acute illness should be honored.
5. FOOD IS A BUILDING MATERIAL BUT DOES NOT INCREASE VITALITY: Food, after all, is a powerless substance to build flesh, blood, bones, and nerves. Only a living, breathing organism can convert it into living tissue. Food is hence subordinate to life, to the force inherent in every living creature.
6. FASTING DOES NOT CURE ANY DISEASE BUT PROVIDES AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE BODY TO HEAL ITSELF: Fasting leads to -physical, mental, physiological, and sensorium rests.
7. GERMS DO NOT CAUSE DISEASE BUT ARE FOUND IN DISEASED CONDITIONS: Our body has got an indigenous series of defenses to fight the germs.
8. EXERCISE OR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY KEEPS THE BALANCE BETWEEN NUTRITION AND DRAINAGE: Life is activity, Exercise is for the restoration of health. 1hour of exercise each day helps to bring physical and physiological balance to the body
Around 95% of the disease doesn't need allopathy medications, allopathic medications came into existence as emergency medicine and it is how they should be used. But nowadays people always want immediate relief this is what made emergency medicine grow as an essential medicine.
In reality, alternative medicines are found to be effective in treating various diseases from dawn to dusk of your life.
10. PATIENT’S OWN WILL TO GET WELL, DETERMINATION AND FAITH ARE NECESSARY THINGS FOR NATURE CURE TREATMENTS: First make up your mind that you want health which comes by right living and not by medicines. Stay in a nature cure center where natural treatment and natural food are provided. “Make the world a sustainable home to live” is what adolescents should be taught.
Connect with Doctor:
Dr. Vinaya Kumar T, BNYS