How happy do you feel when your idea turns into realization...!
Naturopathy is a drugless treatment process, which emphasizes on natural elements such as water, mud, colour, yoga, food, etc…
Naturopathy is a holistic treatment approach where it focuses on ill rather than illness & it is a patient-centred approach in medical practice. Health & illness are viewed as a reflection of reciprocal interactions, among biological, psychological & social influences.
In a literature review by Vicki Brower (EMBO Reports, Apr 2006) – “MIND-BODY RESEARCH MOVES TOWARDS THE MAINSTREAM” – He included few papers which concluds – “How stress influences both, on the amount & types of food that people eat, varies.”
Naturopathy & Yoga mainly focus on the food we eat & its effect on our mind & body. In Hatha Yoga Pradipika “Mitahara is defined as an agreeable & sweet food, leaving one-fourth of stomach free & eaten. The same concept is followed in Naturopathy too.
Many evidences show that Naturopathic treatment modalities help to reduce stress & improves quality of life. Naturopathy & Yoga is an integrated treatment approach, hence each treatment modalities has its specific effects, when used in combination we find its great value. PubMed search engine alone, has several evidences which shows a graph indicating gradual increase in research works in the field of Naturopathy. YES, this indicates that Naturopaths have been publishing a good number of evidences every year.
Here, I am going to present few evidences based on Natural treatment modalities.
Evidence 1: “Balneotherapy & hydrotherapy in chronic respiratory diseases”
(Nikolai Khatav, et al, Aug 2020, Journal Thorac Diseases) – Which concluded that, it not only improves respiratory function & also decrease risk of depression & fear.
Evidence 2: “Effect of Mud Therapy on skin microbiome” by Davide Donell
Proved that it helps in immune regulation. Similarly, there are evidences which explains effect of Hydrotherapy & Mud therapy in management of pain & other diseases.
A literature review by Fu Ming Yang titled “Current tracking on effectiveness & mechanism of acupuncture therapy” - (Chinese J. Integrated medicine, 2019 feb) – Here Therapeutic effects were summarized & it found effective in most concerned diseases like neurological, musculoskeletal, connective tissue disorders & digestive diseases.
There is a saying ‘Ek bhukto Yogi, dwi bhukto Bhogi, tri bhukto Rogi’- Thus, it is suggested to have 2meals/day according to Naturopathy.
Evidence 1: Relationship between Diet & mental health in children & adolescents: A systemic review (Lana J Williams, Michael Berk,, Am J Public Health, 2014)- which showed evidences for relationship between good quality diet & better mental health.
Evidence 2: Adding to this, a well-known research by A Japanese cell biologist "Yoshinori Ohsumi", who won the Nobel Prize in medicine in 2016, explained the process called ‘Autophagy’. He explained Fasting activates Autophagy & has a positive impact on cell renewal.
Above all these, our 6th Principle states that “Fasting provides an opportunity to the body to heal itself”. This is where Hypothesis meet the Practical evidences.
This is the least discussed treatment modality, but in reality, there are convincing evidences.
Evidence 1: A review by MS Markon – “Magnetic & Electromagnetic field therapy” (J. Musculo. Rehab, 2000, Jan), states that magnetotherapy provides non-invasive, safe & easy technique to treat the site of injury, source of pain & inflammation. EM Fields are being used in modern days & it proved to be effective.
Evidence 2: “A critical analysis of chromotherapy & its scientific evolution” (Samira T Yousuf Azeemi)- states that chromotherapy provides colours to electromagnetic body (Aura) around the body which in turn transfers energy to physical body.
Bright white, full-spectrum, light is also now being used in treatment of cancers & other diseases.
A review by Tiffany states that massage decrease depression, anxiety & Heart rate, increase vagal activity & decrease cortisol levels & also there were several brain centres involved which was suggested by FMRI.
Recent evidences proved that Aromatherapy is effective in dysmenorrhea, stress & acts as an adjuvant treatment in cancer cases.
Finally, here I conclude by stating that ‘ Naturopaths need to treat the system as holistic before we treat a person holistically’.